Sunday, August 1, 2010

Kawasaki Ninja BIke

Kawasaki Ninja Motorcycle is a big motor with medium cc of engine. As usual for this kind of bike there are many fans club that stand like on the below club list that available on several city in Indonesia.

There are many club of Ninja fans from many regency in Indonesia. Like Kawasaki Ninja Jogja Club and many other club like as follows: JKN Jakarta, LNC Lombok, PUNISHER Wonosari, TNC Rider Tulung Agung, KNBC Bungo, KANIBAL Banten, N250 Cirebon, KNC Lampung, KNC Tegal, KNC Bandung, TNC Tarakan, NCB Bangka, NOISE Semarang, BPNC Bangka, BNC Balikpapan, GANK Kediri, ESENCE Sragen, NOC Bali, NOC Jakarta, NICS Malang, SNIPER Solo, SYNERG Surabaya, SNC Senggata, TNSC Samarinda, CONAN Ngawi, MNC Madiun, CNP Ponorogo, N-GAGE Trenggalek, NICOTYN Klaten, BNC Bekasi, NBC Batam, NITRO Bojonegoro, NITRO Tangerang.PNC Purwodadi

If you want to follow this club you must register to each of that group that available nearest to your city. If you need of certain information how to regist and become a member of this group you can call to this number: 081804005765.